Liliput HO L388114 1st class RIC passenger coach of the Swiss SBB in green liver
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:HO Gauge:Coaches – Liliput HO L388114 1st class RIC passenger coach of the Swiss SBB in green liver
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:HO Gauge:Coaches – Liliput HO L388114 1st class RIC passenger coach of the Swiss SBB in green liver
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:HO Gauge:Coaches – Liliput HO L384102 Type 28Er 1st Class Express Coach of the German DR – Epoch 3
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:OO Gauge:Locomotives – LILIPUT OO SCALE CLASS 81 LOCOMOTIVE E3001 ETCHED EMBLEM 2 LIGHTS AT 1 END (1B)
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:OO Gauge:Coaches – Liliput L328401 OO/HO Gauge Eilzugwagen m Speiseraum DB EP.IV
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:OO Gauge:Coaches – Liliput L385103 OO/HO Gauge Salonwg 10205 Reichsreg Fur Den DRG Ep.II