Bachmann 32-979X Class 66 Diesel 66722 GBRF Metronet Sir Edward Watkin Weathered
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:OO Gauge:Locomotives – Bachmann 32-979X Class 66 Diesel 66722 GBRF Metronet Sir Edward Watkin Weathered
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:OO Gauge:Locomotives – Bachmann 32-979X Class 66 Diesel 66722 GBRF Metronet Sir Edward Watkin Weathered
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:OO Gauge:Locomotives – BACHMANN 32-983NRM CLASS 66 EVENING STAR GBRF DCC FITTED LIMITED EDITION NEW
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:OO Gauge:Wagons – Dapol B913a FEA-B GBRF Intermodal spine wagons 640623 and 640624 with 4 containers
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:OO Gauge:Locomotives – HORNBY R3784 GBRf CO – CO CLASS 66 LOCOMOTIVE GOLDEN JUBILLEE “66705” TTS Sound
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:OO Gauge:Locomotives – Bachmann 32-980 OO Gauge Class 66 Diesel 66731 ‘interhubGB’ GBRf Europorte