Atlas N 49270 BNSF EMD SD60M #9276 Heritage II scheme DCC Decoder READY, NIB
Toys and Hobbies:Model Railroads and Trains:N Scale:Locomotives – Atlas N 49270 BNSF EMD SD60M #9276 Heritage II scheme DCC Decoder READY, NIB
Toys and Hobbies:Model Railroads and Trains:N Scale:Locomotives – Atlas N 49270 BNSF EMD SD60M #9276 Heritage II scheme DCC Decoder READY, NIB
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:HO Gauge:Wagons – 2 x poss athearn or atlas freight wagons HO Scale(a2)
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:OO Gauge:Locomotives – Atlas static model engine, 16mm gauge Pacific Chapelon Nord
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:HO Gauge:Locomotives – 1:87 ATLAS LIMITED Remodelados 542-551 (CARRIS)-1928/29 TRAM Model
Toys, Hobbies:Model Trains:HO Scale:Locomotives – Atlas Classic C424 Ph3 CN (3210 Canadian National) w/ LokSound DCC Sound