Bassett Lowke post war tinplate LMS 5 plank open wagon, box but no lid.
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:O Gauge:Wagons – Bassett Lowke post war tinplate LMS 5 plank open wagon, box but no lid.
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:O Gauge:Wagons – Bassett Lowke post war tinplate LMS 5 plank open wagon, box but no lid.
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:HO Gauge:Parts and Accessories:Empty Boxes – BM461-0, 5 #3x Mrklin H0 Empty Box for 4002 Tin Cars
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:OO Gauge:Locomotives – OXFORD NCB DIESEL SHUNTER NO 5 (DETAILED LINESIDE WEATHERED) BOXED
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:OO Gauge:Parts and Accessories:Buildings, Tunnels and Bridges – PLUS BUILDER SHEETS – BP0020 RED BRICK x 5 SHEETS – 00 and HO
Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:OO Gauge:Locomotives – OO gauge decommissioned Black 5 loco, heavily weathered