Mrklin 33102 Steam Br. 01 DB Delta Digital 5-pol Anchor in Original Box

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Mrklin 33102 Steam Br. 01 DB Delta Digital 5-pol Anchor in Original Box

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(Item No .: 33102-01)Condition = 1 with original packagingThe meaningful pictures are part of the auction.Listing status: 0: = new and unplayed with1: = collector condition like new2: = very good, hardly any signs of wear, possible3: = used in good condition with signs of wear4: = Recorded with clear signs of wear5: = Recorded with clear signs of use and aborts to play with6: = hobby goods for playing or handicrafts with technical defectsPayment Terms:Payment incl. Shipping. No ebay fees.
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Category: Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:HO Gauge:Locomotives
Location: Freudenstadt