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For auction is a full set of Alan Gibson wheels, suitable for the British Railways Classes 40/44/45/46, together with axles suitable for OO. Note that the main driving axles are 1/8″ diameter, whilst the leading trucks have 2mm pinpoints. You may be able to obtain converter bushes from Alan Gibson to take the wheel centres down from 1/8″ so that you can use 2mm dia axles if you wish.
They are unused, but have been in storage for some considerable time and bear light marks of corrosion on the steel tyres.
Surplus to requirements as I only model in P4.
Usual rules – international bidders should check the cost of postage to their country first, as Royal Mail charges can be quite high. You may also be charged taxes or duties by the postal authorities of your own country. I always used tracked/signed post, so that there is adequate insurance.
Winning bidders should please pay within 7 days of end of auction. PayPal accepted. I can take personal cheques/bankers drafts (in sterling) drawn on a UK bank account but please allow at least 5 working days for them to clear.
Good luck with your bid.
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Category: Collectables:Model Railways and Trains:OO Gauge:Parts and Accessories:Parts and Spares
Location: London